Principal’s Message

Our Principal

Sr. Irine Albuquerque (B.Ed., M.A., M.Ed.)

It is said, “Service to humanity is service to god”. Educating the young is a service carried out in Love for God. I believe the successes of any Institution lies in the commitment and dedication of every member. Each day challenges us with new possibilities. Hard work and Perseverance are the hall mark to success.

They must be practiced from childhood so that the noble habits become part and parcel of one’s life. And with that great asset a person can walk easily on the hazardous road of life’s journey and be successful.

There lies within each of us a treasure of great talent and immense capability. God has given each one of us enough abilities to be proficient in some field. However, this treasure is often unexplored and unused. Most times we lack awareness of our inner capabilities as we are too busy trying to fit ourselves into the mould created by our surroundings. At other times, we fall into the trap of laziness and fail to take the necessary efforts needed to unearth our competencies.

There are times when we underestimate our innate talents by comparing ourselves wrongly with others. Looking within, our own abilities, no matter how trivial they may seem, we can unearth talents we never thought we possessed. Putting them to full use will then place us in the league of those who have used all their talents to the fullest.

I wish every child in our school becomes a successful person!

May God bless you and your families.

Sr. Irine Albuquerque (B.Ed., M.A., M.Ed.)